Claude Monet, Snow Scene at Argenteuil, 1875

Gustave Caillebotte, Boulevard Haussmann, Snow, 1880-81
Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water in winter

Hiroshige, Snow Falling on a Town, ukiyo-e print, 1833

George Bellows, Love of Winter, 1914

Vincent Van Gogh, Landscape in the Snow, 1888

Alfred Stieglitz, Winter 5th Avenue, 1892

Paul Gauguin, Breton Village in Snow, 1888
Paintings of snow scenes have long been favorites of mine. Anytime landscapes come into the gallery, I always seem to have a penchant for the singular one that depicts a snowy winter moment. Winter landscapes are hard to capture because it often means painting with many different shades of white that have been manipulated 'just so' to portray light, shade, forms and reflections. That being said, when it is done right, the result is usually breathtaking.
I do admittedly have some ties to winter and the snow (getting engaged on December 25 and getting married the following December in Aspen, Colorado). My husband and I are both avid skiers and jump at the chance to get out West or up North to the snow in winter whenever we can. With the new gallery, this year that may be a bit difficult. So, in the meantime, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....
OH! How awesome are we? haha. I love that photo of Falling Water in the snow. So peaceful but frigid and daunting looking. Great "round up" of paintings. I am such a Van Gogh lover, too.
Emily -- what a refreshing idea for a holiday post. Love your selections. Happy holidays!
Great paintings! I love looking at art, I'm an artist myself, Risd Grad, came across your blog via the blog "Design Is Mine". So glad to find such a beautiful collection of paintings put together, great eye!
Snow Scene at Argenteuil - I remember seeing this little gem in person (was it London? or Boston?) and being absolutely amazed at the variety of grays and whites in the painting. May be a cliche, but Monet, Sisley, Pissaro, Renoir are some of my all time favorites. I had the pleasure of visiting the Musee d'Orsay last summer, and it was truly the most amazing thing to see so many masterpieces under one roof, in person. I literally got tears in my eyes and almost burst into tears when I entered the main gallery on the top floor.
I make free e-puzzles from images, including works of art. I'm preparing one based on your image of the Gauguin, "Breton Village in Snow". Very seasonable, I'm sure you'll agree.
May I ask: where is the original of this painting -- what museum? There's a different painting of the same name at the Musee d'Orsay, but I can't find a good way of tracking down this one.
You may enjoy doing the puzzles yourself. I particularly like puzzles based on very familiar works, because doing the puzzle (especially at the Hard level) involves *looking* at the work longer and more intensively than we usually do. By putting them together, you really start to see how they're put together.
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