(photo courtesy of dreamstime.com)
Alas, we are back from New York after a whirlwind of art fairs, gallery visits and Italian food. Now that we have caught our breath and are back to work, we are energized by the exciting art market there. More to come later about all we did on our visit to the big city, as well as the new book we have started, (after Peggy Guggenheim's memoirs), thanks to Jeremy Irons...

(photo courtesy of Google.com)
When we arrived at our hotel in SoHo, there were postcards on our beds. They had brilliant little quotes on the front in bold black letters on a white background. It got us thinking about writing letters, which is something we are very fond of doing. Nothing puts a smile on our faces faster than a handwritten note from someone that was unexpected or for no reason at all. Invitations are great, birthday cards even better, but a postcard or letter means someone took the time to sit down and hand write a few thoughtful sentences to say hello. When they could have just texted.

(photo courtesy of Etsy.com)
And of course, the best postcards are little pieces of art! Fun to tack up around the office... and a cheap collectible to pick up on travels.

How sad however, that handwritten letters are a romantic thing of the past. Something your grandfather did in order to court your grandmother as teens. Yes, thank you notes are still around, especially if you live in the South, as we are proud to say. But penmanship, true cursive of the kindergarten type, is almost mythical. Nowadays its all about
Copperplate Gothic and Times New Roman. We so rarely take the time to step away from the desktop, pick up a pen, and say hello. But more than that, will the next generation write anything down at all? Will they know how to write longhand? Or will they just hit send and hope for a reply?

(photo courtesy of the Australian Post)
So here's to snail mail, we are off to write postcards!
A very cute blog we found along the way.
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